Saturday, March 20, 2021

target audience

Hey everyone!

I've kind of been struggling with my blogs, to be honest. It's hard for me with this whole blog thing. It's hard to remember a lot. But I set reminders on my phone, so hopefully, that helps. Also, I struggle with coming up with ideas to write about. Thankfully, my super amazing and helpful teacher has put up a file with a bunch of blog topics, so that comes in handy.

Now, time to clarify my target audience:

I definitely want to gear my short film to athletes. Not just casual athletes though; people who take their sport seriously. Who see it as a lifestyle and are passionate about their sport. The whole point of my short film will be that the goalkeeper almost takes it TOO seriously, so even though anybody could enjoy it, serious athletes are more likely to genuinely understand it. 

Additionally, I'd like to have the target age range be upperclassmen in high school. This is very specific, but for good reason: sports are different once you are my age. Whether it is your intention or not, you have to consider it as a future now. A lot of people play competitively just for their youth; they don't want to go pro. Or some people know since they're 5 years old that they want to be on their national team. It's weird. But you start seeing scouts, and your teammates start sending colleges their highlights. It's hard not to avoid the subject. The goalie will be a senior in high school who wants to play for a college, so she definitely takes it much more seriously than someone who isn't playing with the intention of making a career out of it. 

As for the social class, there is no target. Anyone can enjoy this because soccer is a sport that is played anywhere; from dirt roads with a ball of made of paper to the nicest fields in rich American neighborhoods. Many of the most famous players in the world came from poverty. For example, Dani Alves from the Brazillian national was dirt poor and now he is playing for one of the best teams in the world. If the talent and commitment are there, you can make it anywhere. 

I thought about targeting the film towards girls since the soccer experience is very different for us. (We are taken less seriously, the wage gap, do I need to go on?) But I didn't really want to make this a feminist piece, so it's targeted to any gender.

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