Tuesday, March 9, 2021


Hi guys.... 

So as you all know, my project hasn't been developing as much as it should be. The whole tooth idea was a bust. I never liked it, but it was the first and only bit of inspiration I had, so I ran with it. 

I reached out to my teacher, Mrs. Stoklosa, for help. We normally get most of the class to work privately on our projects, as we would in real-life class in a non-covid world. I stuck around after the meeting ended because I am in desperate need of help. I told her my idea, and addressed my concerns that it was not that interesting, would be better animated, I couldn't develop a genuine story around it, etc. She agreed with me that the tooth route was not the way to go. 

So, after some crazy rambling after about how stressed I was, she helped guide me towards a new idea. She reminded me of something I needed to be reminded about: talk about what you know. It would be much easier for me to come up with a story revolving around things I am passionate and knowledgable about. She asked me about things I am interested in, and as you might have guessed from my blogs, my response was scattered. So, we honed in on my biggest interest, soccer. I've been playing travel soccer for about 6 years now, and recreationally for even longer. It is super important to me, so it wasn't a bad idea. I had avoided soccer as a subject because I had been viewing it only from a documentary perspective. But Stoklosa reminded me that a story can come from anywhere. 

Now it was just brainstorming what I could draw from soccer. I really liked the idea of sticking with something I'm familiar with, so now its just finding a story to tell. We discussed the choice of taking an artistic route with the piece, which I think I will do. Regardless of what I do with it, I think that I could get some beautiful action shots and super cool movement shots that would really make my piece stand out. I could play with color a lot as well! I started to get excited as a lot of ideas started running through my brain. As Stoklosa continued to give me amazing advice, I felt a lot like this:

But in a good way! Like positive chaos. There's so many routes I could take this, now it's just a matter of refining it. I am planning on speaking with my teammates and seeing which would be comfortable enough to act/be filmed in my film, and additionally working to develop a solid storyline as soon as possible. I left my meeting with Stoklosa feeling inspired, which was so nice. And not to be all gross and emotional, but it was really nice seeing that some teachers actually care about their students' success and pay attention to them. Its comforting. Mrs. Stoklosa when you read this, you are super awesome and my favorite teacher ever I love you!! Okay for the rest you, I love you too, don't worry. I will be back with more awesome ideas! Things are changing for the better! Ciao <3 

1 comment:

Final Farewell

 This project has been a rollercoaster. Emotionally, mentally. It was super difficult for me originally, as I feel like I was challenging my...