Thursday, February 25, 2021

Group Meetings (except not really because I'm still alone in my bedroom)

Hi everyone! Hope your week isn't feeling as long as mine!!

It's my birthday today!! I am 18 years old!! Everything is good except I was expecting to wake up a year older and with an idea for my short film. Unfortunately, I only woke up a year older. I feel a lot like this:

On the brighter side of things, today we had our group meetings. I'm not attending school so I was able to do this from the comfort of my bed. My teacher, Mrs. Stoklosa, put us in breakout rooms. I took notes from the meeting on my phone:

While it was kind of hard to share that much in this meeting considering I do not have an idea of what to do yet. It was kind of comforting to hear that some of my classmates didn't have an idea yet either, though. I feel better, especially considering that I know the less I force it, the better the idea will be. Obviously, I have to force it a little though, considering this project is due in like a month and a half?? That is so soon oh my god. I'm not even kidding just typing that out hit me like a bus. WOW. Okay anyways, I did learn some good things today! A classmate suggested a website called This should help bring some inspiration, I hope. I also got the idea of creating a pros and cons list when debating ideas for my short film. This will be especially efficient for me because I am insanely indecisive and struggle to find the benefits in almost every single decision I ever make. I also realized I need to focus on my editing, as I don't really know what I'm doing! I have a school computer that has Adobe Premiere Pro, which is a really good program that I honestly do not know how to use. Last year, I was not in charge of editing in my group. I used a program called WeVideo to edit my CCR, which was simple enough to use. My plan is to attempt to use Premiere and see if I can get a hang of it; if not, WeVideo it is. I am also planning on setting up a calendar for myself, mostly because I procrastinate sooooooooooo much. I think that will help keep me on schedule. 
Other than that, I spent most of the meeting battling my internal raging jealousy for my classmates that seemed to be much more prepared than I was. I'm trying not to start freaking out about not having an idea yet, but I am failing miserably. Hopefully my next post I will return with the most awesome idea that will blow your heads off. Ciao!! 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 Hey guys! So remember I told you I was going on vacation? I came to North Carolina for the weekend with my boyfriend and his family to go snowboarding for my birthday. Honestly, I had a lot of fun. But I was kind of expecting this drastic change in location to punch me in the face with a huge, groundbreaking idea for my short film. Maybe like a cute little winter-themed idea? It is crazy how it didn't work this way and I still feel blocked. 

To make matters even better, I missed my flight! So, now I am writing this blog for you all on my phone at 1 in the morning, on the cold, cold floor of the airport. Perhaps I will make my short story about an idiot girl who arrives at the airport 10 minutes late and has to pay an extra $100 for a flight back a day later, only to end up getting murdered by her parents when she gets home. 

Just kidding! That is too morbid for my taste. I apologize if my blogs are a little boring right now. I promise I'll have an idea for you soon. 

For now, here are some obstacles I have narrowed down:

  • I am leaning officially towards the fantasy genre
  • I will probably end up being the main actor in my short film
    • While I don't love to act, I know that it will be harder to find someone in covid times. I also don't want to have to rely on someone else; they could be a bad actor, flake on me, etc.
  • I want to get my shooting done before the end of this month, hopefully. That leaves me with plenty of time to edit in case I am not good at it. 
Also, I think we have group meetings coming up in class soon. Maybe I will get some inspiration from my peers, or at least some tips I could apply later. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021


 Hello to all my beautiful and amazing blog readers! Hope you guys are having a good weekend!

So I bring some bad news. I am still uncertain what to make my short film about. It's kind of stressing me out because I don't want to fall behind, but I am staying optimistic. I'm currently freezing my butt off in the cold so I am hoping some inspiration is drawn from my misery. Most artists create their best art from pain! I will not be an exception. 

To keep me productive, I've been researching some short films. I still am not set on a genre either, so I decided to focus on short films that told a story well. Here are some examples:

If Anything Happens I Love You

This is a heartbreaking short film about parents who struggle with their grief after losing their daughter to a school shooting. While I wouldn't create an animated film, nor do I want to create a sad film, this piece tells a story very well. It creates an emotional connection with the audience, which is something I would like to do as well. (to a lesser extent- this is a sensitive subject) Even though it is short, through the use of flashbacks and a montage of the daughter growing up, they fit an entire childhood in the piece. The story is developed well and I hope that I can create something with a functioning timeline.


This is a really cute short film! It inspired me mostly in the fact that it has a super interesting yet insanely simple plot. It is just about a little baby bird trying to manage life on the beach, but you still find yourself super attached and drawn in. This showed me that my short film doesn't have to be this super crazy intricate idea, but rather something I know people will watch. 

Did you miss me??

Hi everyone!! It's been a while since I last posted for you guys. But I am officially back and ready to start my portfolio project for A level!!

So as of right now, I am a little stuck. I have decided I want to do the short film package, but I'm not entirely sure what my film would be about, or even what genre I want to do. This weekend I will be going on a trip to North Carolina to ski, so hopefully, my traveling brings some inspiration. 
For now, I am certain of a few things:
  • I do not want to create a horror film
  • I am leaning towards fantasy/drama 
    • Maybe even a psychological thriller? This feels like a stretch, and I would only do so if I came up with a really good idea.
I am determined to produce something for you all that is 10 times better than my previous portfolio assignment. As you may recall, I dropped the ball a little. To be honest, I was struggling with my mental health and didn't prioritize this project the way I should have, and the pandemic did not help much. I decided to work alone this year because this way, I am forced to rely on myself only and I know that kind of pressure will only motivate me more. 
I am going to try to rack my brain for ideas for my short film. Hopefully, I think of something soon. I shall leave you all in suspense.

Final Farewell

 This project has been a rollercoaster. Emotionally, mentally. It was super difficult for me originally, as I feel like I was challenging my...