hi everyone ! We had our last group meeting today which is kind of scary because that means the project is due soon ! Maybe because it’s my senior year, or because last year the pandemic began mid-project, but this years portfolio project went by muchhhhh quicker. Little bit overwhelming.
So, today we had our group meetings! Like the last couple meetings, I heard a lot of super cool ideas. I can’t wait for this project to be over so I can see what everyone else did. It’s super exciting!
I got a couple of suggestions for my project.
Somebody suggested that maybe the story closes with the goalie becoming afraid of the goal. She becomes so hyper fixated on soccer that she begins to dread it, and every time she is in goal she feels this anxiety that takes over her.
Another idea that I liked is that instead of everything leading up to her college decision, she could be rejected halfway through the piece. I think that would give it some nice structure as well. Following her rejection, she kind of falls apart and has to reevaluate her desire for the sport and her passion for life, as soccer has been the only thing she knows.
Additionally, someone said my piece reminded them of Black Swan. I really like this comparison because personally, I like to be inspired by other art when I create. I think it helps new ideas come to mind. Something I really loved about Black Swan was the use of mirrors to represent self reflection, so maybe I’ll use that.