Sunday, April 4, 2021


 Hi guys!!

I don't know if you could tell from the blog title, but I am not in a good mood. 

I kind of am, but in reference to this project, I am not.

My mother just informed me that I will be going out of town for a good portion of next week. I leave Monday night. And I am not sure when I come back. I have to go visit family I haven't seen in over 10 years in Orlando, which is good, but what about the project??? 

I haven't even filmed yet! I guess I can't complain too much because it is my own fault for not having completed that in the first place, but still. I feel much more cramped on time now. I was supposed to have this entire week to film, as this weekend I have two games and less time. So I am stressing out.  A lot. 

The good news is that my amazing teacher has offered us an extension on our portfolio project. Previously due on the 12th, we now have until the 18th. This gives me next week to film, if I cannot get it done beforehand. Obviously, I should try, so I have more time to work on the other two components of my project. 

As for social media and the postcard, it is difficult for me to develop those without any footage. So as of now, I am just creating rough ideas and visuals for how I want to create those until I have legitimate substance. 

This whole project has really been a learning experience. I need to quit procrastinating!! It seriously is making my life so much harder. You would think that if I continue to feel so overwhelmed every time I procrastinate, I would stop procrastinating. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. 

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