Sunday, April 18, 2021

Final Farewell

 This project has been a rollercoaster. Emotionally, mentally.

It was super difficult for me originally, as I feel like I was challenging myself too much, and setting expectations I could not meet. 

Once I finally settled on an idea, it was hard to get the ball to keep rolling. I feel like the ball was super heavy and oddly lumpy, because it would NOT ROLL. 

I think my biggest mistake in this project, which won't be coming as a shocker to anyone who knows me, was time management. I could have saved myself a lot of stress if I had been more efficient and just focused my brain for specific amounts of time in advance, instead of doing everything later and in sporadic bursts.

However, I am still proud of the project I created. I had so much fun filming it, and it was super cool to see the shots come to life and the editing tie everything together. I am currently about to end my last season of soccer, so it was nice to do this at the same time. It feels like a nice close to things. 

Speaking of closing, this is the end of my blogs. I will be graduating and off to college soon. Blogger, it has been a pleasure being at your service. To my millions of fans reading my blogs, I love you all dearly. I wish you well. Stay safe!


 Hi guys! The moment we have all been waiting for is here...

After weeks of hard work...

Blood, sweat, and lots of tears...

I give to you...

The Goalie.

Short film


Social Media

Thank you for listening to me rant on these blogs. It has been an honor. 

I hope you enjoy!

critical reflection

  For my portfolio project, I created a short film entitled “The Goalie.” My short film centers around a student-athlete whose life revolves around soccer and who is preparing for college acceptances. 

This piece was relevant to me because as a senior who plays soccer, I too felt the pressure of wanting to create a career out of my passion. At the beginning of the project, I really struggled to come up with an idea. I desperately wanted an original, never-before-seen concept that would blow everyone away, but I kept coming up short. The first couple of weeks were particularly slow for me, as this idea did not come to mind. My teacher then suggested to stick to what I know- a narrative I can understand or relate to. After this discussion, endless possibilities opened up for me once I settled on the sports genre. I began to research sports films and decided I didn’t necessarily enjoy the cheesy, motivational ones. A piece that inspired me was “The Lonely Goalkeeper,” which I saw featured in New York Times’ 15 minute short films, in an assignment for this class earlier in the year. After watching that, I gravitated towards the position of goalkeeper as a subject for my film as I think that the amount of pressure that is on them throughout the game is tremendous, and it would be interesting to see how that pressure would affect someone. I also have been dealing with college acceptances, so this piece felt comfortable to write and bring to life. So my target audience was defined pretty well, being late high school-aged student-athletes. Having such a specific target audience made it much easier for me to create all three components.  Gender, social class, and others don’t make a difference- but athletes about to graduate can relate to this film heavily, and that issue is represented well; not everyone will make it into college.

 In terms of actual production, I definitely struggled with my time management. This was an issue I had in my AS level project, and I believed I made some improvement. However, I was often overwhelmed by the fact that I felt so behind in the process that I just pushed myself further back. I stressed over topics that could have been solved with some simple brainstorming sessions. Far too often I set up unrealistic expectations with myself and become frustrated that they do not work in the way I wanted them to. This limited the development of my plot, and it didn’t end up delving as deep into the personal aspect of the story as I had planned. That being said, I enjoyed the way my short film turned out. Being so reliant on a character-driven story, I wanted to make it as visually driven as possible. For example, I loved the shot I have that begins with Alex’s friend dribbling the ball at a midshot, following her and quickly panning left to follow the shot she takes on goal that Alex blocks. Or, the composition of the shots with the friend shooting, keeping the ball and the goal directly in the middle third. I think my target audience will appreciate my use of quicker-paced editing to represent the quick pace and intensity of the game, as well as the use of rock music. I wanted to bring to life the passion of the sport. Using my Steadicam helped give the footage a little edge, but I wish I had thought more in advance to maybe have brought some different lens or perhaps a mic. The postcard also embodies the genre well, as my research in my blogs showed several sports films posters featuring the main character engaging in said sport, like the Rocky films. I got a cool action shot of her but kept the rest of the postcard youthful to appeal to my target audience. The official Instagram page, more than anything, appeals to the high school-aged audience. The posts are meant to engage comments and have interaction with one another. The diction is focused towards people my age and I tried to implement ‘relatable’ student-athlete content. In the highlights of the page, I also included some polls for the audience to interact with. That being said, I wish I had put in more time to the social media, to have created more posts and come up with more ideas that I know I personally would have liked to see on an account. I think I focused so much on the actual short film that I didn’t prioritize this component as much as I should have. 

I think I created a good brand, one that represents my target audience well, and moreover shows the struggles of the athlete and how common they are. Like I mentioned previously, my film represents an important event in athlete’s lives. So many people work so hard their entire lives, building up to this one moment, only to get rejected from the school and team of their dreams. It is a crushing experience, as not only do people hustle academically for it, but in their sport as well, for years and years. It takes determination and drive, but sometimes that in itself is not enough. I believe that I represented this situation fairly well, though the film doesn’t show much of the afterthought. It does show the initial pain, regret, and anger of the rejection. The clips in red represent Alex’s complete and utter frustration with herself, as she replays all the moments she could have done better, wondering if that would have changed something. This is representing self-doubt, something many athletes struggle with. I wanted those who relate to my story to feel less alone, as it can be difficult to see others succeed around you when you couldn’t, like the main character’s teammate does. 

Overall, I am pleased with the work I have presented for my portfolio project. I think I developed exactly the brand I was intending to, representing my target audience and their issues well. While I wish I would have spent more quality time preparing and executing some components, I think it came together nicely. I definitely could improve my next projects through time management and efficiency. However, I am still proud of my work.

Saturday, April 17, 2021


Hey everyone! We're finally reaching the end of this portfolio project!

So I have been editing my short film and I am very pleased with the results. I was a little stressed at the idea of attempting any new software, so I decided to go with ol' reliable- iMovie <3

iMovie worked perfectly for what I needed. It was super easy to edit quickly and make concise cuts. I also love the way it turned out with music. I was able to find music I liked from the iMovie app, so no need to worry about any copyright issues! I also incorporated that red filtering I mentioned earlier, and I think it looks pretty cool. 

I also found that I did not come up short with footage. I had more than enough actually, and very refined I finish at about 4 minutes and 45 seconds, which is good!

I also created the postcard, but no spoilers for you. See you soon! :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


 hi guys! hope you are all doing well! 

I filmed today! Finally! Total weight of my shoulders! 

I think that it went super well. I had my main actress, Alexandra Jones, come to the fields with me to shoot the soccer scenes. I decided to go after school rather than before my practice later at night for better lighting. Plus, the fields are always empty at that time anyway. My other teammates Stefania Tasayco and Iliana Mantjos came to help too. Stef will be in the film as well, she will help my goalie train. Originally, I just wanted it to be Jones, but I think having someone else with her in the film will create some cooler shots. Especially action shots.

It was super hot out, so I decided instead of having my goalie train in her uniform long sleeve shirt, I would just have her in her short sleeve practice jersey. I think it looks fine still.

Then, we went to record the indoor portion of the scenes and the end. It was easier to shoot here now that I didn't have the heat punching me in the face. I think overall this went well also, after reviewing the footage.

I am a little bit nervous that I am running a little bit short, but I think if I focus on editing I could manage. I am relieved to say that Alex was a pretty good actress! I was nervous because she never does anything like this and honestly told me she didn't expect to do well but would try nonetheless. But she was really easy to work with! She listened to everything I asked and played her role well. I even got some emotion out of her... currently prepping for the Oscar nomination she will receive shortly. 

Friday, April 9, 2021

poster research!

 Hi blog! Hope you are all safe and in good health :)

SO, I wanted to get some inspiration for my postcard prior to shooting and getting the stills I need to create it.

Since my movie is in the genre of sports films, I wanted to focus on those.

These posters feature the main character as the focal point. With varying aesthetics, they all have the sport evidently portrayed as well, mostly through the costume choices. This is a good option for me especially because my film will be character-driven, as Alex's character development is what pushes the plot along. Additionally, I like how powerful it makes the characters look. I'm thinking a really good shot of her in front of the goal could be a simple, yet bold poster. However, it might be too simple for my taste. 

These types of posters are also an option. They show the concept of the movie (given sport) but are more focused on the aesthetic of the shot. They feel more creative to me. I think I could also do a picture of her cleats. A closeup of her cleats with the goal blurred in the background would look cool, too. 

When it comes to font choices, I think I will decide once I get the shot. But, I really like bold, strong fonts, like in the Rocky III poster. I am a fan of the powerful look of it. I also would like to keep it as simple as possible.

These posters will help generate my postcard, which I want to look like a movie poster anyways. 

Monday, April 5, 2021

Super cool idea I had because I am so awesome

 Hi guys!

I know my blogs are very much like boring filler updates right now but I'm just ~~pre production~~ so give me a little bit of time and they'll get more interesting.

I had an idea today!

SO because I'll be shooting a soccer film, obviously there will be lots of green. Like duh

I had this super cool idea though!

Like I've mentioned, my goalie takes the sport too seriously. She is very good, butttt she is very hard on herself. I want to work with colors to represent this frustration.

It's pretty obvious, but in Media Studies AS level, when we studied color theory, we learned that red represents anger and passion. The article, The Psychology of Color in Film, helped me as well.

Most of my film will be shot with normal coloration, minimal filters. (Grass is green, the sky is blue) But when, for example, she misses a save, messes up a pass, or at the moment she finds out she was not accepted to her school (if I choose to do that,) I want the screen to go red. Add a bright red filter to the shot, representing that intense feeling of frustration with herself. I think this could be a very cool stylistic choice that would spice up my piece a little. I would also want to add voiceovers during these bits, instead of the normal sound. (ex. Have her call herself an idiot, or something like "not good enough)

Sunday, April 4, 2021


 Hi guys!!

I don't know if you could tell from the blog title, but I am not in a good mood. 

I kind of am, but in reference to this project, I am not.

My mother just informed me that I will be going out of town for a good portion of next week. I leave Monday night. And I am not sure when I come back. I have to go visit family I haven't seen in over 10 years in Orlando, which is good, but what about the project??? 

I haven't even filmed yet! I guess I can't complain too much because it is my own fault for not having completed that in the first place, but still. I feel much more cramped on time now. I was supposed to have this entire week to film, as this weekend I have two games and less time. So I am stressing out.  A lot. 

The good news is that my amazing teacher has offered us an extension on our portfolio project. Previously due on the 12th, we now have until the 18th. This gives me next week to film, if I cannot get it done beforehand. Obviously, I should try, so I have more time to work on the other two components of my project. 

As for social media and the postcard, it is difficult for me to develop those without any footage. So as of now, I am just creating rough ideas and visuals for how I want to create those until I have legitimate substance. 

This whole project has really been a learning experience. I need to quit procrastinating!! It seriously is making my life so much harder. You would think that if I continue to feel so overwhelmed every time I procrastinate, I would stop procrastinating. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021


 hi everyone!

I plan on shooting soon soooo here is a list of the things I will be using:

  • iPhone 12- I debated whether I should use my phone or my dad's Nikon camera. However, my phone's camera has amazing quality and I am much more familiar with it. I wouldn't want to waste time trying to figure out how to use a fancier camera when mine is good enough.
  • Tripod for phone
  • Mobile camera stabilizer (fits phone!)

  • A bunchhhh of soccer balls (Might borrow my coach's soccer bag so that I don't have to be running around after every single shot on goal)
  • A couple extra teammates to shoot on my goalie
  • Lighting fixtures (inside filming)

  • Color filters- These are meant to go with a separate camera, but I might try just taping them to my phone to see how it looks
I plan on filming as much as I can in one day, but if anything comes short I will come back and adjust.

Final Farewell

 This project has been a rollercoaster. Emotionally, mentally. It was super difficult for me originally, as I feel like I was challenging my...